Monday, February 10, 2014

The Beginning....

I am a 32 year old mother of three that used to be fit, then got fat and now longs to be fit again. I want to be healthy for myself and my family and will be documenting my journey as a way to hold myself accountable as well as maybe inspire someone.

I worked in corporate America for a huge telecommunications company for 12 years until my job relocated to another state. After a long decision making process my family and I decided I would stay home with the kids. HUGE adjustment but I love every minute of it! I have a 14 year old step son, 5 year old boy and 2 year old little girl.  Between my two pregnancies I lost the enormous amount of weight that I gained. I also lost the weight from my second pregnancy but gained it back during a series of some stressful events... That's me, the stress eater.  Not to mention, it's super hard to workout with small children wanting you to feed them, wipe them, change the channel, fix the toy, etc.
I've been on and tried lots of diets and workouts.  I'm tired of it consuming me. The new phase in my life will be actually going into a gym (one that has child care) and working out and eating a "cleaner" diet that is lower in sugars and carbs and higher in real foods like vegetables, fruit and lean meats. This is my "plan" and putting it down makes it more real to me.

There is so much more to me and hopefully I'll get to that one day. :-)


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